Deus Ex series augmentations and gameplay in Deus Ex (9 posts) (9 posts) (9 posts) Pages: 1. This is my favourite topic. I haven't played Deus Ex for a while, but. As nanotechnologically-augmented agent JC Denton, the player can further enhance their abilities with augmentations which, once installed, grant the player special abilities, such as increased strength, health regeneration, invisibility or toxic resistance, to name a few. The player starts the game with three default augmentations, and can add up to nine more as they become available.
- Cranial Augmentations: Hacking: Capture
Note: Please see our hacking guide for the definitive answer on how to hack your way through DE:HR.
Capture 1-5: Capture 1 is unlocked from the start, allowing you to hack the most basic of devices and terminals (with a security rating of 1). You will need to upgrade this ability to hack the corresponding levels of security rating. If you have Capture level 3, you will only be able to hack devices up to a security rating of 3, but not 4 or 5. Each Capture point will cost a Praxis point.
Is it worth it? Deus Ex: Human Revolution is filled with doors, terminals, safes, secret stashes, alarms and security terminals that you can hack to gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas. There is no getting around hacking. We would recommend that you upgrade this to Capture 4, but not waste another point in Capture 5. There are a very few level 5 devices in the game, and those can be unlocked using an AUD.
Domination (Camera, Turret, Robot): You can spend three Praxis points on dominating cameras, turrets and robots respectively. Cameras will allow you to turn cameras off, allowing you some breathing room if you are going to sneak through an area. Turrets will allow you to disable a turret, or turn it on your enemies. With the strength enhancement, you can even carry the turret turning it into a mobile gatling gun! Robots will allow you to once again disable the synthetic sentries, or turn them on their allies. The camera domination is unlocked from the start.
Is it worth it? Yes, but you can skip the turret and robot dominations, depending on your preference. For a stealth player, you can always sneak to a security terminal and disable all defenses in an area, making life much easier. As a combat player, you can choose to go in guns blazing, not caring for any of said defense mechanisms. Even then, the ability to turn turrets and robots on your enemies can be quite useful. Generally it is a good idea to upgrade these about midway through the game when turrets and robots start appearing with increasing frequency. - Cranial Augmentations: Hacking: Analyze
Note: Please see our hacking guide for the definitive answer on how to hack your way through DE:HR.
Detection Feedback: Allows you to see your chances of being detected at any node when you try to capture it. This is strange, because you can see your chances for detection on a node anyway.
Is it worth it? Absolutely not. This is the most useless augmentation in the game, with the possible exception of…
Analyze All Datastores: Allows you to see the contents of a Datastore before you capture it, to determine whether it contains extra experience, credits or a virus software.
Is it worth it? … this one. Skip this tree altogether, no good will come of it. - Cranial Augmentations: Hacking: Fortify
Note: Please see our hacking guide for the definitive answer on how to hack your way through DE:HR.
Fortify 1-3: You start with Fortify level 1 at the start of the game. You can fortify captured nodes in the hacking mini-game to slow down the trace if you happen to trigger it. It comes in very handy for delaying the trace so you can complete your hack. Each point in fortify raises the security rating of that node by that many points, further delaying the trace.
Is it worth it? No. You can invest points in this if you have plenty to spare by the end of the game, as it doesn’t hurt later on. I finished the game without ever touching this tree. - Cranial Augmentations: Hacking: Stealth
Note: Please see our hacking guide for the definitive answer on how to hack your way through DE:HR.
Stealth 1-3: You will need four Praxis points to fully upgrade to Stealth 3. Each level of Stealth lowers your chances of detection by 15% when capturing a node, for a total of 45%.
Is it worth it? Absolutely yes. This is the most critical augmentation for hackers and it will save you a lot of headache. As stated before, you cannot get around hacking in DE:HR, so might as well strap in and invest those Praxis points. Unlike other augmentations that you can gradually upgrade, the sooner you max this out, the better. - Torso Augmentations: Sentinel Rx Health System
Slowly regenerates your health up to 100. You start the game with this. - Torso Augmentations: Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter
Energy Level Upgrade 1-4: You start with Energy Level Upgrade 1 from the beginning of the game. Each subsequent Praxis point invested gives you one additional energy cell.
Is it worth it? No. The game only recharges your last energy cell automatically, so even if you unlocked all five energy cells, the only way to replenish them would be through Cyberboost bars and other energy foods. I finished the game without investing in the three energy cells.
Base Recharge Rate 1-3: You start with Base Recharge Rate 1. This augmentation speeds up the recharge rate of your energy cell.
Is it worth it? Eventually yes. At the start, you will want to save your Praxis points for more critical updates, but you want to eventually fully upgrade this. Unless you enjoy sitting around, as your energy cell takes its sweet time to charge up. - Torso Augmentations: Implanted Rebreather
Chemical Resistance: Allows you immunity from toxic gases and gas grenades.
Is it worth it? No. There are a very limited number of areas in the game where you would need this augmentation. And if I remember correctly, you can find a way around the gas-laden obstacle 100% of the time.
Hyper-Oxigenation 1-2: Allows you to sprint for an extra 2.5 seconds at level 1, and 5 seconds at level 2.
Is it worth it? No. While sprinting for longer may seem like a worthwhile investment in the massive game world, what the description does not tell you is that it takes as much longer for the sprint to charge back up, effectively diminishing the returns. Also bear in mind that you will need to invest 2 points in the nearly useless Chemical Resistance augmentation before you get to this one. - Torso Augmentations: Typhoon Explosive System
Light Damage Variant: Launches mini-explosions in a 360 degree arc, at a range of 8m, killing everything but robots.
Heavy Damage Variant: This upgrades the Typhoon ability to also take out robots.
Is it worth it? If you are a stealth player, this ability has limited use, and in my experience, it only takes out the smaller robots, the larger ones are left unaffected. If you are an aggressive player, this is the ultimate ability that you can use to wipe out entire clusters of enemies. Be careful with the ammo though, it is hard to come by.
Deus Ex | Table of Contents | Walkthrough
Table of Contents
As nanotechnologically-augmented agent JC Denton, the player can further enhance their abilities with augmentations which, once installed, grant the player special abilities, such as increased strength, health regeneration, invisibility or toxic resistance, to name a few. The player starts the game with three default augmentations, and can add up to nine more as they become available. Augmentations are stored in cylindrical augmentation canisters, which, once picked up, can be taken to a medical bot for installation. Each augmentation canister can install one of two augmentations.
Augmentations, once installed, must be switched on to take effect. Active augmentations draw on the player's reserve of bioelectric energy at varying rates (IFF and Infolink are the only exceptions to these rules, they are always on and draw no power). Bioelectric energy can be replenished by recharging at a repair bot, or from portable bioelectric cells.
Not including 'Default', augmentations fit into six different categories: Cranial, Eyes, Torso, Subdermal, Arms, and Legs. The following is a list of all augmentations sorted by category.
Default Augmentations[edit]
- Official description
One-way micro-transceiver array allows agents in the field to receive messages from Control, and to store and later retrieve relevant maps, conversations, and notes.
- Energy usage: 0 units/minute (Always active)
- Upgrades: None (Level 1 is maximum)
- Official description
Automatic friend or foe identification uses advanced heuristic algorithms to associate visible objects with known threat categories.
Targeting reticule highlights RED over enemies, GREEN over allies, and WHITE over neutrals.
- Energy usage: 0 units/minute (Always active)
- Upgrades: None (Level 1 is maximum)
- Official description
Bioluminescent cells within the retina provide coherent illumination of the agent's field of view.
- Energy usage: 10 units/minute
- Upgrades: None (Level 1 is maximum)
- Comments
This most useful tool is available from the start and - besides flares and flare darts, which are of limited use - is the player's only reliable source of light. The beam reaches out to about 20 meters and automatically turns on during conversations for some reason. Important note: Be wary of using the light in enemy territory, enemies can spot the beam and follow it to its origin.
Aggressive Defense System[edit]
Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide Pdf
- Official description
Aerosol nanoparticles are released upon the detection of objects fitting the electromagnetic threat profile of missiles and grenades; these nanoparticles will prematurely detonate such objects prior to reaching the agent.
- Energy usage: 10 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- The range at which incoming rockets and grenades are detonated is short.
- The range at which detonation occurs is increased slightly.
- The range at which detonation occurs is increased moderately.
- Rockets and grenades are detonated almost before they are fired.
- Comments
This augmentation is far more useful than it appears to be at first glance, as the description doesn't mention that in addition to rockets and grenades, the system also tracks and deflects a whole host of other incoming munitions. Even crossbow darts and plasma slugs. Pretty much anything slower than a bullet. Judicious use of this aug is advised, though, as it can sometimes do more harm than good. At lower levels the range at which incoming explosives are detonated is short, which is fine for low-payload explosives such as GEP rockets (which MJ12 Commandos use), but at the same range the explosion of heavier explosives (such as LAMs or LAW rockets) will kill you instantly, so if you're on the receiving end of such munitions, leave the system off unless it's upgraded to level 3 or 4 and simply dodge them.
Spy Drone[edit]
- Official description
Advanced nanofactories can assemble a spy drone upon demand which can then be remotely controlled by the agent until released or destroyed, at which a point a new drone will be assembled. Further upgrades equip the spy drones with better armor and a one-shot EMP attack.
- Energy usage: 150 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- The drone can take little damage and has a very light EMP attack.
- The drone can take minor damage and has a light EMP attack.
- The drone can take moderate damage and has a medium EMP attack.
- The drone can take heavy damage and has a strong EMP attack.
- Comments
A clever device, but it comes with a high energy cost, so it's best paired with Power Recirculator. The spy drone can be used to recce hostile areas without exposing yourself, and its EMP pulse can disable everything from proximity explosives and cameras to {At maximum level} military bots.
- Official description
Image-scaling and recognition provided by multiplexing the optic nerve with doped polyacetylene 'quantum wires' not only increases accuracy, but also delivers limited situational info about a target.
- Energy usage: 40 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Slight increase in accuracy and general target information. *
- Additional increase in accuracy and more target information. **
- Additional increase in accuracy and specific target information. ***
- Additional increase in accuracy and telescopic vision. ****
* Provides the name of the target, the distance to the target, and a description of its status [e.g. medium health].
** Provides area specific health information, [e.g. Head 100%, Torso 75% etc.].
*** Displays the target's weapon.
**** Provides a close-up, picture-in-picture display of the target.
Although not mentioned, this aug also increases the amount of damage done with weapons (which also stacks with the combat strength augmentation, resulting in a bonus of up to +240% (100% skill, 100% combat strength, 40% targeting)):
- 10% increase in damage.
- 20% increase in damage.
- 30% increase in damage.
- 40% increase in damage.
- Comments
A helpful marksmanship aid, but the situational info is more or less useless and the picture-in-picture display, while novel, is impractical. If you choose this augmentation, don't concentrate on upgrading it past level 2.
Vision Enhancement[edit]
- Official description
By bleaching selected rod photoreceptors and saturating them with metarhodopsin XII, the 'nightvision' present in most nocturnal animals can be duplicated. Subsequent upgrades and modifications add infravision and sonar-resonance imaging that effectively allows an agent to see through walls.
- Energy usage: 40 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Nightvision.
- Infravision.
- Short range sonar imaging.
- Long range sonar imaging.
- Comments
Nightvision is identical in function to the tech goggles, which can save some inventory space, but it should be kept in mind that this functions as light amplification, meaning that if an area is sufficiently dark (and many are) you still won't be able to see anything without a light. Upgrading to level 2 yields infrared vision, which can be useful for spotting targets over a large and dark area or underwater. The sonar imaging outlines organic and robotic targets, and is useful for checking for enemies around corners. However, you can't see any environmental detail.
- Official description
Soda lime exostructures imbedded in the alveoli of the lungs convert CO2 to O2, extending the time an agent can remain underwater.
- Energy usage: 10 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Lung capacity is extended slightly.
- Lung capacity is extended moderately.
- Lung capacity is extended significantly.
- An agent can stay underwater indefinitely. *
* This is not entirely true. It is possible to drown even with maximum level aqualung, it just takes a long time.
- Comments
One of the least useful augmentations. You rarely spend extended periods underwater; when you do, it's usually an optional alternate route, and you usually have access to one or more rebreathers. If you plan to go for a dip often, invest a few skill points in the swimming and environmental skills instead to increase your lung capacity and the rebreather duration, respectively.
- Official description
Programmable polymerase automatically directs construction of proteins in injured cells, restoring an agent to full health over time.
- Energy usage: 120 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Healing occurs at a normal rate. (5 health points per second)
- Healing occurs at a slightly faster rate. (15 health points per second)
- Healing occurs at a moderately faster rate. (25 health points per second)
- Healing occurs at a significantly faster rate. (40 health points per second)
- Comments
One of the most useful augmentations. At level 2 this replaces health as fast as you lose it from drowning, effectively allowing you to stay underwater as long as your power supply permits. At maximum level your health is replenished as fast as many foes can damage you. It has a relatively high energy cost, though, so if you intend to use it actively it may be wise to combine it with Power Recirculator.
Synthetic Heart[edit]
- Official description
This synthetic heart circulates not only blood but a steady concentration of mechanochemical power cells, smart phagocytes, and liposomes containing prefab diamondoid machine parts, resulting in upgraded performance for all installed augmentations.
- Energy usage: 100 units/minute
- Upgrades: None (Level 1 is maximum)
- Comments
If you can never seem to find enough augmentation upgrades this is the solution to your problems. When this augmentation is activated, all other active augmentations will run as if they've been upgraded by one level. Unfortunately synthetic heart will have no effect on a fully upgraded (level 4) aug. This, however, comes at a fairly high energy cost, which would mean: Power Recirculator. The thing is, Synthetic Heart always comes in the same canister as Power Recirculator. So it's a choice of one or the other, not both, in which case the Power Recirculator is recommended over this.

Environmental Resistance[edit]
- Official description
Induced keratin production strengthens all epithelial tissues and reduces the agent's vulnerability to radiation and other toxins.
- Energy usage: 20 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Toxic resistance is increased slightly.
- Toxic resistance is increased moderately.
- Toxic resistance is increased significantly.
- An agent is nearly invulnerable to damage from toxins.
- Comments
A reasonably useful augmentation which, especially once it is upgraded, acts as an integrated hazmat suit. It also protects against damage from gas grenades and pepper spray. Toxic damage absorption starts at 25% and increases by 25% with each upgrade up to a maximum of 90%, at which point you become invulnerable to most toxic damage (as the damage will be rounded down to 0 in most cases).
Energy Shield[edit]
- Official description
Polyanilene capacitors below the skin absorb heat and electricity, reducing the damage received from flame, electrical, and plasma attacks.
- Energy usage: 10 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Damage from energy attacks is reduced slightly.
- Damage from energy attacks is reduced moderately.
- Damage from energy attacks is reduced significantly.
- An agent is nearly invulnerable to damage from energy attacks.
- Comments
Energy Shield provides protection against flame, electricity and plasma attacks, making you less vulnerable to such weapons. Since projectile weapons are far more common than energy weapons, Ballistic Protection is more useful. Furthermore, the Regeneration augmentation (which is coupled to this one) will heal all damage, not just from heat or electricity. If you plan on not using the Power Recirculator, this is probably the better choice given it's 10 units/minute.
Power Recirculator[edit]
- Official description
Power consumption for all augmentations is reduced by polyanilene circuits, plugged directly into cell membranes, that allow nanite particles to interconnect electronically without leaving their host cells.
- Energy usage: 10 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Power drain of augmentations is reduced slightly. (Reduces usage by 10%)
- Power drain of augmentations is reduced moderately. (Reduces usage by 20%)
- Power drain of augmentations is reduced. (Reduces usage by 40%)
- Power drain of augmentations is reduced significantly. (Reduces usage by 60%)
- Comments
This augmentation is a must if you plan to make much use of any of the energy intensive augmentations (such as the Cloak.). At maximum level, Power Recirculator, while activated, doubles the amount of time you can use any one augmentation on the same amount of power.
Ballistic Protection[edit]
- Official description
Monomolecular plates reinforce the skin's epithelial membrane, reducing the damage an agent receives from projectiles and bladed weapons. *
- Energy usage: 60 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Damage from projectiles and bladed weapons is reduced slightly.
- Damage from projectiles and bladed weapons is reduced moderately.
- Damage from projectiles and bladed weapons is reduced significantly.
- An agent is nearly invulnerable to damage from projectiles and bladed weapons.
* 'Bladed weapons' includes Karkian bites.
- Comments
Ballistic Shield provides additional protection against projectile weapons, such as bullets, darts, and melee weapons such as knives, swords, batons and crowbars. This is extremely useful in combat situations, and at maximum level makes you almost invulnerable to such weapons. It especially increases survivability against bots.
EMP Shield[edit]
- Official description
Nanoscale EMP generators partially protect individual nanites and reduce bioelectrical drain by canceling incoming pulses.
- Energy usage: 40 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
Deus Ex 1 Augmentations Guide Download
- Damage from EMP attacks is reduced slightly.
- Damage from EMP attacks is reduced moderately.
- Damage from EMP attacks is reduced significantly.
- An agent is nearly invulnerable to damage from EMP attacks.
- Comments
Besides spider bots, few enemies use EMP attacks, so Ballistic Protection is generally the better choice.
- Official description
Subdermal pigmentation cells allow the agent to blend with their surrounding environment, rendering them effectively invisible to observation by organic hostiles.
- Energy usage: 300 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Power drain is normal. (300 units/minute)
- Power drain is reduced slightly. (249 units/minute)
- Power drain is reduced moderately. (198 units/minute)
- Power drain is reduced significantly. (150 units/minute)
- Comments
Cloak renders you completely invisible to organics - but, unfortunately, robots, turrets and cameras can still detect you. This augmentation is very useful in stealth game play and allows you to dash across open ground unobserved or lose pursuers by rounding a corner and then disappearing. This utility comes at the cost of very high power usage, however, making prolonged use impractical. Subsequent upgrades reduce power usage by 50 units/minute down to 150 units/minute at level 4. Due to its high power usage, this augmentation is best combined with Power Recirculator. Run Silent also complements this nicely, as it combines your invisibility with silent movement, allowing you to run straight past enemies without alerting them, which also means it takes much less time to sneak past enemies, meaning you can turn Cloak off sooner, saving even more power.
Radar Transparency[edit]
- Official description
Radar-absorbent resin augments epithelial proteins; microprojection units distort agent's visual signature. Provides highly effective concealment from automated detection systems - bots, cameras, turrets.
- Energy usage: 300 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Power drain is normal. (300 units/minute)
- Power drain is reduced slightly. (249 units/minute)
- Power drain is reduced moderately. (198 units/minute)
- Power drain is reduced significantly. (150 units/minute)
- Comments
Radar transparency renders you completely invisible to robots, turrets and cameras. The Cloak is arguably more useful since electronic security systems can be bypassed and robots are neither as common nor as intelligent as most organic opponents (for example, bots can't hear). Like the Cloak, this augmentation has a very high energy cost, making prolonged use impractical. Subsequent upgrades reduce power usage by 50 units/minute down to 150 units/minute at level 4. Again, due to its high power usage, this augmentation is best combined with Power Recirculator.
Combat Strength[edit]
- Official description
Sorting rotors accelerate calcium ion concentration in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, increasing an agent's muscle speed several-fold and multiplying the damage they inflict in melee combat.
- Energy usage: 20 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- The effectiveness of melee weapons is increased slightly.
- The effectiveness of melee weapons is increased moderately.
- The effectiveness of melee weapons is increased significantly.
- Melee weapons are almost instantly lethal.
- Comments
Combat Strength multiplies the damage you deal with melee weapons such as batons, crowbars, knives and swords. Aside from the obvious advantage of allowing easier one-hit kills against stronger opponents; this augmentation, when combined with an already-powerful melee weapon such as a sword, can destroy some doors and lockers, saving the use of precious lockpicks or explosives. The only way to see what the Men in Black have on them is to use a non-lethal takedown a la baton, riot prod, etc. With this augmentation leveled up, you will have no trouble knocking them out to pilfer their belongings.
Also, having the 'Advanced' training level on low-tech weapons and this augmentation on upgrade level 4 (or, alternatively, the training on 'Master' and the augmentation on at least level 2) permit you to use the DragonTooth Sword to destroy electronical devices such as cameras, turrets and alarm buttons. If you don't plan to use much low-tech weapons this is obviously a waste of resources but if you plan a wide usage of low-tech weapons (such as in a non-lethal playthrough) then this trick can spare you many troubles.
Microfibral Muscle[edit]
- Official description
Muscle strength is amplified with ionic polymeric gel myofibrils that allow the agent to push and lift extraordinarily heavy objects.
- Energy usage: 20 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Strength is increased slightly.
- Strength is increased moderately.
- Strength is increased significantly.
- An agent is inhumanly strong.
- Comments
Microfibral Muscle increases lifting strength, allowing you to lift heavier objects than normal, and push them with greater ease. You can use this aug to move large crates around, creating alternate routes through areas or allowing easier access to high places. Unfortunately, this augmentation does not improve movement speed while carrying heavy weapons.
Run Silent[edit]
- Official description
The necessary muscle movements for complete silence when walking or running are determined continuously with reactive kinematics equations produced by embedded nanocomputers.
- Energy usage: 40 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Sound made while moving is reduced slightly.
- Sound made while moving is reduced moderately.
- Sound made while moving is reduced significantly.
- An agent is completely silent.
- Comments
Perfect for stealth scenarios, this augmentation, once upgraded to level 4, makes walking and running completely silent, allowing the player to move quickly in hostile territory without drawing any unnecessary attention to themselves. This augmentation complements Cloak perfectly.
Speed Enhancement[edit]
- Official description
Ionic polymeric gel myofibrils are woven into the leg muscles, increasing the speed at which an agent can run and climb, the height they can jump, and reducing the damage they receive from falls
- Energy usage: 40 units/minute
- Upgrades: 4
- Speed and jumping are increased slightly, while falling damage is reduced.
- Speed and jumping are increased moderately, while falling damage is further reduced.
- Speed and jumping are increased significantly, while falling damage is substantially reduced.
- An agent can run like the wind and leap from the tallest building.
- Comments
Deus Ex Augmentation Locations
An extremely useful augmentation. Besides saving time running from place to place, at higher levels the enhanced jumping ability allows you to jump straight over many adversaries and access all kinds of normally inaccessible alternative routes into buildings, while the reduced fall damage facilitates quick escapes off of rooftops.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided Augmentation
Speed Enhancement also functions while crouched, which means at max upgrade level you can crouch (which is silent movement) at near normal run speed. Combined with the extra access it gives you this can make it enormously handy to a stealthy player. It also allows for creative maneuvers, such as jumping onto a door frame above a patrol path, which gives you opportunities for quick kills or incapacitations.